Annual Walk Sunday 6th October 2024

This year’s annual walk will take place on Sunday October 6th. It will be a circular walk of between 4 and 5 miles over fields, following a stream and through woodland where we hope to see a display of autumn fungi. This is is our annual opportunity to join together service-users past and present, GRiP staff, family, friends, supporters, trustees and anyone interested in sharing a Sunday morning walk. For those who would like to use the walk to raise funds through sponsorship, please find the sponsorship form here.

Start and finish at The Hog Inn, Horsley, Stroud, GL6 0PR. This is a lovely family-run pub with a good range of pizzas and bar snacks with a good children’s menu too.

Meet in The Hog car park from 1030 ready to start walking at 1100. Dogs and children welcome as always.

If you are hoping to join in, please leave a message at


Ashleworth and Hasfield WI Evening February 6th 2024

Trustees Sue, Robina and Andrew were guests of the Ashleworth and Hasfield WI, where they gave a well-received talk about their experiences and in particular the events leading up to the formation of the charity. To their great surprise, many of the the WI members made very generous individual donations. All in all, we raised a very handsome £140. Many thanks to those WI members for being so generous.


Annual Walk 2023 Sunday, October 15th 2023

We gathered at The Royal Oak, Andoversford and set off on a circular walk of around 5 miles which included the charming villages of Whittington, Sevenhampton, Brockhampton and Syreford. In between the villages we were treated to a very varied walk along tracks and paths over soggy meadows, arable fields and through woods and even a harvest festival churchyard, all including some wonderful views over the Cotswolds.

The weather was glorious. Alas, we discovered only hours beforehand that the pub was not able to provide lunch but stalwart Grippers supporter James rolled his sleeves up and cooked up a feast for all the walkers at very short notice. Big thanks to James.


Annual Walk 2021 Sunday, 12th September 2021

With twenty-one walkers and five dogs, we had the best turn-out we have had for some time. Attached is a photo of the group just before we set off.

The four-mile walk itself took place in warm, windless weather and was a great success; firstly south along the little-used valley lane in Cockleford from The Green Dragon before striking off on tracks up the hill until we were on top of the Cotswold scarp with views for miles in all directions as we made our way towards Elkstone. Here we paused by the lovely little church before exploring the paths through the village and thence across open fields and down through Cowley woods with some close encounters with muddy puddles, rewarded with the completion of the circle at the pub car park.


Grippers Annual Walk 13th October 2019

Eighteen stalwarts joined together at the Crown of Crucis to enjoy a delightful walk around the fields and lanes of the Ampneys. The weather on the day was fine but as it followed a period of torrential downpours, the main challenge was avoiding the many flooded paths and field tracks.

Most of the group were able to end the morning at the home of Trustees Andrew and Robina where they had a lovely lunch of roast pork with all the trimmings, prepared by William while we had been walking. The Annual Walk was originally a sponsored event starting in 2006, but it has morphed into a celebration of Grippers and it is wonderful to have so many Service Users and Grip staff taking part as well as the Trustees and main supporters of the Charity.



The Annual Grippers Walk

With only one previous exception, The Autumn Annual Walk has enjoyed wonderful weather. Alas, the 13th such walk proved to be unlucky! The forecast of fog followed by steady rain on a strong northerly wind on the top of Cleeve Hill deterred many. In the event, seven stalwarts and two dogs set off and were rewarded with a break in the rain and because of the clear conditions, magnificent views of the Winchcombe valley as we passed close to the historic Postlip Hall and later across the Severn Vale all the way to the Malvern Hills. The steady climb up to the top of the escarpment warmed us up but we could only pause for a brief appreciation of the view before we were quickly cooled down by the wind and hastened on.

Just as the rain returned we arrived to a warm welcome at the Rising Sun and were soon steaming and glowing after a drink and roast lunch.

We are particularly pleased that several service users braved the elements and joined in what turned out to be a successful and very satisfying walk.


Murder Mystery Evening at South Cerney Village Hall

We were entertained to a moderately complex plot “Murder at Hill Crest House” which actually involved a double murder and another attempted murder (or was it an accidental poisoning?). The audience applied themselves to the task of eating and drinking as they were entertained and all too soon they had to commit their suspicions and reasoning to paper and submit the answers to the players from The Purton Amateur Dramatic Society for appraisal. In addition to giving up their evening, the PADS actors bought a lot of raffle tickets, so it was rather fitting that they took away most of the splendid prizes. The winning sleuths then stepped up on stage in recognition of their skills of observation and deduction and to receive their prizes to applause. Finally, the actors and their producer and all who had contributed to the success of the evening were thanked.

In addition to the fun, we are delighted to also report that the evening raised over £650.


Registered charity no. 1117290