Sixth Grippers Sponsored Walk

This, our sixth Grippers Sponsored Walk, was a success. Several hundred pounds were raised, thus ensuring continued financial support for activities for young adults during their recovery from psychosis.

The Charity T-shirts, with the rainbow emblem, perfectly represented the contrasting weather – the sun shone and the rain poured! A very British picnic was held under the shelter of a barn roof on Sandhurst Hill; the view of the golden fields a reminder of the glorious sun of the previous hour. From the barn, we slid down the muddy path onto Wainlode Hill. Dogs and buggies led the way! A short stop at the Red Lion pub on the banks of the River Severn gave us time to reflect on this site being perfect for viewing the Severn Bore. Our final trek to our vehicles at Norton Village Hall was over wet ground, but we departed happy.

Registered charity no. 1117290